An Autonomous Institution under VTU from 2024-25
AICTE Approved, Accredited by NBA(CSE,ISE,ECE,ME,CV,AE) NAAC with A+ grade, QS I-Gauge Gold rated
P.B. No. 20, B.B. Road,
Chickballapur- 562101, Karnataka.
The Department of Civil Engineering was established in the year 1986.The Vision of the Department is- Building Competent Civil Engineers with a Societal Perspective. We offers UG Degree in Civil Engineering with an intake of 60 students and PG in ONE Discipline: Structural Engineering with an intake of 18 students.
The Faculty is the main Strength of the Department. We have 16 faculty members and 5 supporting staff members. The average experience of the faculty in the department is 13 years. The department has eight physical laboratories viz.,
All laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment to suit the needs of academia and industry.
The main aim of the department is to equip the students with the knowledge and expertise them to grow professionally and contribute significantly to the society. While working towards achieving it, the department has established membership with professional bodies, such as
The Department has established a good relationship with core Civil Engineering Industries. Department is coordinating with more than 25 companies which are offering internship and placement opportunities to the students. The department is maintaining good rapport with surrounding industries and governmental agencies to support the students in carrying their summer internship for one month duration. The students are prepared with multi-dimensional skill sets covering all the required graduate attributes. More focus is given on practical learning, projects, and research. The department is arranging guest lecturers from industry personnel, industrial visits and tours every year to fill the gap between academia and industry. . The department is also conducting workshops and conferences at regular intervals in the latest and innovative areas of civil engineering. Students are encouraged to participate in Inter Institute events, Certification Courses – NPTEL, Coursers. The department has ACCE, ICI and IGBC Student chapters and many events are being organized in association with these chapters.
The Department is well known because of our multi-talented alumni. Several former UG and PG students of this department are in various topmost prestigious positions globally in different sectors like academia, research organization, industry, government bureaucrats etc. The Department disseminates the knowledge gained from its quality research through training programs and interactions with renowned personalities through
The department is also involved in providing consultancy services in the areas of
As a result of Active participation of the Department as explained above
The accomplishments of the Department are highlighted as follows:
M1: Providing Conducive Learning Environment focusing on Planning, Analysis, Design and Detailing of Sustainable Infrastructure
M2: Imparting Training, Research and Consultancy in Collaboration with Research Institutes and Industries
M3: Equipping Students with Employability Skills through Internships, Industrial Interactions and Field Visits
M4: Exploring Comprehensive Environmental Aware Solutions for Various Fields of Civil Engineering with Multidisciplinary Approach
M5: Imbibing Lifelong Learning, Professionalism and Ethics among Civil Engineering Students
PEO1: Graduates will have successful career in civil engineering industries, public sector or as Entrepreneurs.
PEO2: Graduates will pursue higher education in leading institutes/engage in continuing education to be competitive in the organization.
PEO3: Graduates will design cost effective and sustainable civil engineering structures conforming to standards.
PSO1: Apply civil engineering knowledge in analysis, design, laboratory investigations and construction aspects
PSO2: Solve problems in various fields of civil engineering with appropriate construction materials & technology